Home Garden Design

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DIY Halloween Apothecary Jars’ Tutorial from Magia Mia. Turn plastic vitamin bottles into creepy apothecary jars using a glue gun and chalkboard paint. For more apothecary DIYs go here and the best Halloween DIYs and inspiration (original sources)

Aug 2017 » resume

DIY Halloween Apothecary Jars’ Tutorial from Magia Mia. Turn plastic vitamin bottles into creepy apothecary jars using a glue gun and chalkboard paint. For more apothecary DIYs go here and the best Halloween DIYs and inspiration (original sources)

DIY Halloween Apothecary Jars’ Tutorial from Magia Mia. Turn plastic vitamin bottles into creepy apothecary jars using a glue gun and chalkboard paint. For more apothecary DIYs go here and the best Halloween DIYs and inspiration (original sources) check out my Halloween Tumblr blog: halloweencrafts.tumblr.com