Home Garden Design

Resume Samples, Curriculum Vitae Samples.

Here's a great entertainment outdoor space with a full outdoor kitchen and a seating area with a fire pit. For this landscape project, the Graphix wall was used for the back wall and the fire pit to create a 3-D effect. The Borealis wall (a faux-wood

Feb 2017 » resume

Here's a great entertainment outdoor space with a full outdoor kitchen and a seating area with a fire pit. For this landscape project, the Graphix wall was used for the back wall and the fire pit to create a 3-D effect. The Borealis wall (a faux-wood

Here’s a great entertainment outdoor space with a full outdoor kitchen and a seating area with a fire pit. For this landscape project, the Graphix wall was used for the back wall and the fire pit to create a 3-D effect. The Borealis wall (a faux-wood concrete stone) was used for the island. For more landscape ideas, visit our landscape stones at www.techo-bloc.com. #patio #backyard #retainingwalls #landscapesteps #landscapestoneedging