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Resume Samples, Curriculum Vitae Samples.

Today I realized I have owned this little camper of mine for exactly 1 year. And coincidentally enough I posted her for sale today finally after all of this time. I have put so much time, work, energy, and most of all LOVE into this little camper I w

Sep 2017 » resume

Today I realized I have owned this little camper of mine for exactly 1 year. And coincidentally enough I posted her for sale today finally after all of this time. I have put so much time, work, energy, and most of all LOVE into this little camper I w

Today I realized I have owned this little camper of mine for exactly 1 year. And coincidentally enough I posted her for sale today finally after all of this time. I have put so much time, work, energy, and most of all LOVE into this little camper I will be so sad to see her go. I honestly don’t think I’d mind if it didn’t sell😂 Here are a few before and after pictures of the camper turned farmhouse glamper 🌿 Anyone local in Iowa message me if interested this beauty. .#flippingfarrell …..